~ Cakes By Christine NY ~

Follow the drama I encounter with every cake order... along with everything else.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Time for a Loooong Overdue Vacation...

Sorry everyone for slacking on my blogging duties! I've been swamped with making cakes, cakes and more cakes! Thank God right?
I am overdue for a vacation so me and Boobserella will be leaving July 31st to drive cross country to Muscle Beach in Venice and staying in Vegas for a week! Can't WAIT! We'll also be hitting up a couple of Man Vs. Food and Diners Drive-Ins and Dive locations. On our agenda?
1. Vortex Bar & Grill in Georgia
2. Tom's BBQ and Deli in Tennessee
3. Acem Oyster House in Louisiana
4. Salt Lick in Texas
5. Sophia's Place in New Mexico
6. Heart Attack Grill In Zarizona
7. Muscle Beach in California
8. VEGAS...
We already booked so many things in Vegas - shows after shows, skydiving and white water rafting at the Grand Canyon followed by a helicopter ride to name a few.
We never went on a honeymoon so we're super excited!
In other news, I've been getting so many cake orders - the seasons seem to change without me even noticing. Crazy...
There are too many pictures to post so check out the galleries on my website www.CakesByChristineNY.com

And of course I'll be posting up pics on my vacation... STAY TUNED!